

Invisible Romance
I can't believe that after 13 years, the chemistry is still very much alive. My heart still pitter-patters, which causes my stomach to churn and twist in a butterfly transformation.

I'm not even going to mention the fact that when you touch me, my mind is filled with sinful thoughts.

I knew when I saw you for the very first time that I had to make you mine, but I wasn't about to put in any overtime.

I had my way of being noticed but not so approachable.

I figured if I strutted my stuff a few times, you would notice the scent that I left lingering behind.

It was foolish of me to even think you would notice the smoke signals I was sending your way. You were so caught up in your own world that you didn't even notice something real right on your vision board.

I even went as far as making myself available, but not too available, to the point where I looked desperate for attention.

I knew my worth, and I also knew I was different from what you were accustomed to. Those females couldn't hold a candle to me.

#chemistry #romanticpoem #devotional #feelings #Love&love
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