

Bad Blood Forever!
I only come on here when I need a pin cushion and sweet release for my hatred for you.

If you ever felt any emotion from me, know it was replaced with nothing but hatred for you now.
You’re a vapid and nasty maniacal little man.

You don’t even deserve my rebuttals.

In fact ,I don’t even know why I waste my time with such garbage such as yourself.

U don’t even deserve my energy. None.

So go cry to your nasty flying monkeys.

Only trash like yourself would even listen to your stupid and crazy useless rhetoric of bull shit and victim diarrhea.

I wish you would just leave and go join the circus where you belong.

take your fake ,ugly,tacky,pick me, smelly, fat bitch Sabrina with you while your at it.

she’s stinking up the air with her smelly cunt.
© FuckYou!