

Time, a fleeting moment, a passing breeze, 💨
A swift current, that carries us to our knees, 🌊
It slips away, like sand, between our hands, 🌀
Leaving us with memories, that forever stand, 🗿️

Memories, a treasure trove, a chest of gold, 💃
A repository of moments, that never grow old, 📚
They hold time, in their embrace, 🤗
A bittersweet reminder, of a bygone pace, 🕰️

For time, though it takes, also gives in return, 🔄
A wealth of experiences, that our hearts yearn, 🌟
And though it steals, our youth, our health, our prime, 👴
It leaves us with memories, that forever shine, 💫

Memories, a tapestry rich, with threads of gold, 🧵
Woven with love, laughter, tears, and stories untold, 📖
They hold time, in their grasp, 🕒
And keep our past, forever clasp, 🔒

In memories, we find solace, comfort, and peace, 🌈
A refuge from the present, a shelter from life's release, 🌴
For in their embrace, we find, a sense of belonging, 🏠
A connection to our past, a link to our own story, 📜

So let us cherish, these moments in time, 🕰️
For memories, are the threads, that weave our prime, 🧵
They hold time, in their grasp, 🕒
And keep our past, forever clasp, 🔒

In memories, we find the beauty, of a life well-lived, 🌟
A life that's been fully experienced, with joys and sorrows, 🌈
For memories, are the essence, of our human experience, 🌈
A reminder that our time, is precious, and fleeting, 🕰️