

Mother nature
I am but a lonely wildflower hoping to bloom one day,
Basking in the glorious sunlight longing for the month of May,
Oh what a sight to behold as that of a wildflower at its prime,
Mother nature is such a wonder and ever so sublime,
She makes our world a place beauty and of wonder,
Whether it's with her flowers in bloom,a sunny day or rain and thunder,
We mustn't take for granted all the gifts she has granted,
Remember she gives life to the seeds of wildflowers we have planted,
Mother nature can be kind but she can also show her wrath,
Just take a look at natural disasters and the aftermath,
Yet when she's quiet and content you can see a little more clearly and in color,
Her luscious landscapes,clearly blue oceans,radiant rainbows and proof that in nature there is only one mother.
© Mkirby