

Numbing Reality....
Write a poem that includes at least five from the ten words given: (You can use more words of your choice to complete.)
Wish, desire, heart, star, reflection, smile, existence, behold, serene, warmth.

Staring at my reflection
and there is no smile in sight,
My eyes has lost their warmth
they used to shine so bright,
Nowadays I question the reason
for my existence in every way,
I force myself to get through
every single day,
I gave up trying to wish upon a star,
My wishes never reach them anyway,
I guess they are too far

Everything inside me just went
completely numb,
And I could not feel anymore,
I used to be able to,
I felt everything to my core!
Now I just exist from day to day,
And every passing minute,
I have a little less to say,
Sometimes I find myself staring
for hours at my wall,
What if my arms become so numb,
That I can not pick myself up
from the next time I fall?
© Lolla Smith