

What if I Die Tonight
What if I were to die tonight....
Did you tell me everything you wanted me to know?
What if I were to die Tonight....
Did you show me everything you wanted me to see?
What if I were to die tonight....
Did you love me like you wanted to?
What if I were to die tonight....
Did you make known your love for me?
If I die tonight,
All is not lost,
I've lived,
I've laughed,
I've loved.
You, my sweet, precious, loving daddy,
Have loved me,
You've taught me,
You've shown me,
You've helped me,
You've made me
Into a better person.
You have shown me your love,
You have given me your love.
I have been blessed
Just knowing you.
You did everything and more.
You, my dearest love,
Will always be just that,
The dearest thing to my heart.
I love you, like I have loved,
No other.
You are beyond my most amazing dreams.
You are truly the most wonderful person I have ever met.
If I were to die tonight....
I would die happy.
I would die, knowing you loved me.
I would die alone, I'm sure,
But it would be your arms that I feel around me.
It would be your smile that I see.
It would be your heartbeat
That I would hear and feel,
Against my face.
I would use my last two breaths to show you,
One to kiss you,
One to say, i love you.
I love you, more than you will ever know.

© Kristin E. Porter