

The Sun to My Sunflower
I hereby announce this bold, heartfelt confession
Our recent events have made me bolt from relaxation
You've captivated me in such a delicate way
Your knocks on my mind are the highlight of my day

We saw the waves come and go as they may
We'd rather sit by the shores than on the bench
It was nice getting sand stuck in our hair
It was fun getting our clothes halfway drenched

People say it's an anomaly to fancy someone like you
But how can it be anomalous when it's my sincere truth?
People could drown me from just looking at you
Yet it's a risk I'd take if you would too

You check most of the boxes of the perfect person
No one knows about your identity for certain
To turn away, I've run out of willpower
After all, you're the sun to my sunflower

© Skipper R.