

°v° The Eccedentesiast °v°
Inside he's a quitter, but outside everyone sees a go-getter
Everything around him falls apart yet he keeps it all together
Concealing his phantom pain behind a smile if only for awhile
Hollow is this life, these lies he's forced to live in denial
Every day of his existence seems to be met with some resistance
Secretly he hopes for assistance, but makes do with his bare subsistence
No one knows how much he's cried or just how hard he's tried
To hide this side or how often he's internally died
These invisible scars transcribe his untold memoirs
Of standing too close to the edge while reaching for the stars
Slashed and burned yet he never seems to learn
Keeps going in circles, but now everything's taken a turn
Crashed and spurned, led astray by calculated misdirection
Once frostbitten, twice shy by such a cold reception
Confused and contused by a world so manufactured
Abused and used by those who left his trust fractured
He's lost sight of himself along the way, no sense of purpose or identity
Who he was then isn't who he is today because what's left of him now resides between hypocrisy and anonymity
Fake it 'til you make it, but he can't take it anymore
Heavy is the mask, cracked and worn
This syndrome is sickening, he's sick of being an imposter
Tired of playing a losing blame game, was it nature or nurture that had created this monster?
Time may tell, but today he's crawling out of the mouth of Hell
Finding his voice and dusting himself off after each time he fell
He was broken inside, but he's pieced himself back together
Having braved every storm he has weathered
Remaking himself better, faster and stronger
He'll keep pushing to keep going a little longer
'Cause every step taken now isn't a question
It's time he's faced his fears and these rejections
He's no longer easily swayed or left feeling dismayed
After finding his way to transcend the bitter and betrayed

© Obsidian_Asylum

#Smile #hiddenpain #inspirational #keeptrying #eccedentesiast #invisiblemask #liesandtruth #staystrong #identifytherealyou #lifelesson