

Love That Still Lingered
The faded photograph lay nestled in the worn leather of the old photo album,
The image, once vibrant, was now a pale ghost of its former self,
Their faces obscured by a veil of time,
The colors muted and the details blurred but it whispered of lives lived, of dreams chased and of love that, though faded, still lingered in the heart.

The faces, once full of life and youthful exuberance,
Were now etched with the passage of years,
Their smiles tinged with a melancholy that resonated through
The faded photograph lay nestled in the worn leather of the old photo album.

A young woman with cascading auburn hair, her eyes sparkling with mischief,
Stood beside a handsome young man, his arm slung casually around her waist,
They were young, carefree, their smiles radiating a love that seemed to defy the ravages of time,
The image, once vibrant, was now a pale ghost of its former self.

But the photograph, a silent witness to their story,
Whispered of a past that had long since faded,
The once crisp lines of their clothes were now soft and indistinct,
Their faces obscured by a veil of time.

A single tear, a tiny stain on the paper, hinted at a shared sorrow, a love lost or a life changed,
The faded photograph, a relic of a bygone era, held a poignant beauty,
The colors muted and the details blurred but it whispered of lives lived, of dreams chased and of love that, though faded, still lingered in the heart.

© Lai Montes