

Modern-Day Conveniences
The number of Groomsmen that I have.
None, I'm not going to sit idly by and pretend.
Resentment isn't growing by the day.
I don't need all the modern-day conveniences.
I just need my companion and friend to get married.
Marriages come without ribbons and bows.
All it is... Is one grand show
I don't have a casket picked out.
Nor do I have plans ahead of time in case I die
Why, I'd much rather be remembered in memories.
Not how I fell in line with societal norms.
My ancestors didn't have to have all these Modern-Day convinces neither do I.
My grandfather and my grandmother had each other.
That was enough for them as it is for me.
We could get married underneath an oak tree.

#Modern-Dayconveniences #Companion #Life
© Life is amazing, if you let it be!