

Faded Quench #Theunrequitedlove
The smile that beams, the eyes that glimpse.
Saw you wholeheartedly, to my containment.
But little did i realised it ain't worth,
for i couldn't utter my entire feelings.
Mustering up my courage, i wronged stepped my advancement.
Then suddenly ascertain you were far gone.
My outreach to you was only a prayer.
Then my emotions crippled deeply,
Got rooted creating Deja Vu of your presence.
Then i simply smiled, a year was gone.
Did i happened to glance you again?
Heaven knows how long I've been waiting.
Oh! How i tangled your way,
just to hear your footsteps behind me.
Little did i know I would confess,
time flies off you venture.
The moment of just you, me, the silence underneath the stars, was my only wish.
Off you venture again, didn't slight me a Sights!
Days turned into Weeks, weeks to months and months to years.
I could no longer smile.
Hadn't i be a daring girl
you would be Mine.
Hadn't i be aware of our departure
i would make you wholly mine.
Nevertheless we grew up in a moment of despair.
Now turning back time wouldn't do any good.
You were kind of love i mesmerized.
Would i ever regret?
Then i swallowed my words,
nipping down in a pages of my dairy,
all the possible situation i encountered
with you.
I again swallowed my words,
boxing you in my interest.
Then uttered myself with drops in my eyes...
"Thankyou for appearing in my wrenched life..."
Off i stopped the overflowed feelings.
I did realised you were never meant to be mine.
It'll only be a memory of me adoring you.
You became my faded Quench,
my story, or sad would it be.
But it remains immortal, as i would cherished as a little secret of you; between my heart and my ongoing life.

© alicedailythoughts🌼🍀