

A fond memory

As much you hurt me ,
I can't hate you for that
Is this the war that ends it all ?
Patroclus ,my breaths are getting short

God ,I love you so much
Now, I know you couldn't care less
Could this be called dying for love ?
When the shovel is in the hands I long to hold
But ,if given the chance
You know I would do it all again

As much as it kills me,
I can't leave you for that
Am I the moth to your fire ?
Icarus, my wings are aflame

God ,I adore you so much
Should've known you wouldn't care less
Would the poets call it passion ?
These desperate lovers never learn their lesson
But if the given the choice
You know I would choose you all over again

All is said and done ,
I was never the one
We weren’t the sun and the moon ,
Heck , we are not even the stars of the same sky

The truth is a hard pill to swallow
Every touch one more step further to gallows
My heart denies what my mind knows is a lie
Guess this is what it means to die while being alive

God ,I love you so much
And I know you've always known that

I hope you sometimes think of me as a fond memory
And I'll try my best to forget the way you made me feel
I hope you remember me glimpsing at dying daises
And I'll try my best to differentiate thorns from roses

If I am cursed to love you forever this way,
I hope you'll remember me as a fond memory once in a while
© myrottenpoetry_13