

Words, are always full of meaning.
Definition is full of wonders;
But life, has all the lessons to learn.
But each lesson, must be inherited by wise knowledge.

Setup, is not how we decide;
However with understanding,
Thats how we control,
To what we have to convey the sayings.

By quoting, we quote for its not just a simple quote.
We all quote, for something that is important;
And most of us quote, not for fun, but its for the helpless;
Cuz people are not just people, most of all of us used to be someone.

Do not stop quoting, continue even to what end;
Life was all meant for everyone, even for the giftless and hopeless.
And as for words; they go for the same thing as well,
Cuz its not just the value of a word, but its the thought of every person.
© The Book owl