

Humour Is A Joke I'm Not Kidding
Humour, to laugh is to live, otherwise, something gives, you do shudder, you do still, your life passes out of you, here's where starts, please do know, laugh at yourself, not serious blow, just you as yourself, as all is stupid, silly, lame, God why my bottom, for find ridicule of light, in yourself, see the World, big pith does take, laugh and laugh, at your faults, you accept, lifes now to bother, with you do, and happy too, lifes a joke, no time to bother, though be serious about what matters, peoples pain, no laughing matter, though light and true, easier to handle, laugh at your own horrors dun to you, you can handle, life is better, so do then, real off the jokes, in your mind do blen, in the laughs, of the joke of life, the spirits do, and do not strife, so join your mind, watch your subconscious does laugh, and will at you, if you see no laugh, I do laugh, I do joy, pick my faults, I laugh ha bligh, in your horror, do not mock, clowns do so, mock in doff, so a clown does do laugh at someone, laugh with the person, or crash into boxes, don't paint up, flower in lapel, squirt in the eye, is yours if you mock, those who do ridicule themselves, for a good act, is self depreciating, don't take yourself seriously, in this life, blare, for serious is horror to subconscious mind, the spirits say Laugh Do Not Belign, The Funny Ones, For Please Do Laugh, We All Do, Enjoy Life, Darth. God Is Great And True. James.
© James Alexander