

Hurdles Of The Heart
I can see the severe pain in your eyes,
Don’t try to hide it by telling pretty lies.
Covering it with those tremulous smiles,
When your soul progressively just dies.
I know there’s a girl inside who still fights,
For her rights, regardless of lonely nights.
This sense of burden that keeps growing,
The amount of hurdles has you slowing.
The damage and all the suffering’s ongoing,
Bleeding wounds, let them heal by showing.
Concealing emotions is not the best way,
As long as they don’t fade away but stay.
Blocking the sight, causing a lack of breath,
Awfully dangerous, leading to tragic death.
Sucking your spirit and life with their teeth,
Pulling you to get down weak on your knees.
The pressure of people adds to the stress,
The nonsense they talk, on top of the mess.
I’m here to support you through this process
Ignore those jerks attacking with ignorance.

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