

My parents told me love is destructive.
It will make you forget and change your perspective.
Love is nothing but an illusion, a game of make believe,
It is overrated & aggressive, anyone who fell for it was completely naive.

A vulnerability that will make you surrender your independence,
It will ruin your confidence and makes you fall in someone else's presence.
Love is not something we feel, It is a choice we must make,
And I shouldn't fall for it, making the same mistake.

The older I get, the more that I see, feel and realised everything,
Love is not as destructive as my parents used to say.
It can be the hottest flame, the gentle breeze or the wildest thing,
There's nowhere to hide as love will always find it's way.

My parents were right, love's indeed the root of change,
For us to see the meaning of life we failed to comprehend.
Love maybe is an illusion but life's already a game ,
Why play fairly when I already won someone who doesn't play pretend.

It's never a trap, it is the key to open the cage I unconsciously made,
From past scars, shielding the pain, yet blocking the sky.
Together with someone I love this fear will eventually fade,
Opening the cage where my true self reside and to freely fly.

In love's gentle hold, my parents perceive a threat,
Yet within its warmth, my soul finds its reset.
A source of motivation, an inspiration to be shown,
With love as my compass, through the unknown, I've grown.

To my parents who's in fear of me walking the path of love,
It's indeed beyond our emotions and I'm consciously taking my steps.
Love being manipulative is something you can't prove,
If it was indeed a mistake does it make me a blunder or misstep?

I know you're only protecting me from the future of sorrow,
But I'm not the kid who will always hide under your shadow.
I seek someone to enjoy this life and who'll walk by my side,
Guiding, protecting, in this life full of ranging tide I was once afraid to ride.

© jhen.nieanne