

My Heart is like Frankenstein's Monster
My heart is like Frankenstein's monster
Put back together multiple times with only sewing & stitching holding it in place
Its Alive, but barely beating black
Rejection isn't new either is the ridicule, but that is what hurts

Every heartbreak is never dealt with properly as I have no one right for the job of comfort
Everyone seems to lie and/or not hold on to the secret truth
Careful, don't get close to the fire & pitchforks cause you'll only get hurt
Sound familiar, don't get close to someone and fall in love cause you'll only get hurt

Like the monster, I wish my heart wasn't created by my creator
I wish the flames wouldn't burn
I wish the pitchforks wouldn't give me new stitches
I wish I wasn't the monster everyone sees
I wish I could just be loved

But no, I have no bride made for me
My heart still needs to be sewed up some more
I don't know how long before my heart can't be put back together again
And I don't know why it still hurts so much, but feels so numb
© Jack G.