

I Miss You (Return To Me)
I miss you
You were the closest thing I had to a brother
In another lifetime I wouldn't choose any other
It was always meant to be you
Our unity as kin may not have been reality
Born in truths
But our souls intertwined
As though from the same bloodline
Our spiritual DNA aligned
An infinite love that had no clue
All it had was it's youth

You never faltered to be present
When you sensed all that I needed
Was your presence
Your love covered me
With an unconditional shelter I never knew
You chose to love me and my ugly
Even when my world didn't want you to
Please return to me
I miss you

The clown to my frown
The dark cloud that attacked my happiness
And beaconed me to self-isolation
Was your enemy
The enemy had indulged in me
Vanquishing all those around
All except you because your light pulled me out
It hugged my senses like surround sound

Today I plead with the heavens
To return you to me
The latter being taking me with you
For without you my heart bleeds out
Because your chemistry held my love together
My platonic soulmate
There will never be any other
Please return to me
I miss you brother

Maybe in another lifetime.

© Melodious