

Here to the final stretch
We're getting closer to the day
Your final paper looms also marking end of may
It's been a test of knowledge and how to manage time
So here's something for you in poetic rhyme

The exams are here, their challenge is steep
But don't let worry win over your sleep
Prepare with care and put in your best
Biidhnillah you would triumph over this test

So bad of illness trying to slow your pace
Dear freind stay strong and find your grace
Rest a little, heal your soul
For only with good health you would be whole

Remember stress is just a fleeting guest
Afterwards you will get lots of well deserved rest
You would soon have all your books cleared
Peace and joy are really near

So take a breath deep and slow
Let the calm within you grow
For very soon rest would have begun
Exams wil be over, stress would be gone

I trust your strength and spirit to see you through
So beleive in yourself and all you do
Soon you'll be free and pressure would be gone
You would enjoy rest and the battle would have been won.

Lastly, Remember to always pray
Ask Allah to lead your way
For he is the one who crowns efforts
And he rewards for battles fought

So do well to prepare well and take care
For soon the burden will be light as air
Strength and focus, let these be your guide
And you'll emerge on the other side


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