

Dangerous Faith
Why can't our hemorrhaging spirits
Allow our hearts to finally mend?
Why can't we bet on the goodness of God,
And trust in what we can't comprehend?
Of course, it will require imagination,
Sure, we will have to strengthen our faith.
And yes, we will need to pray for courage,
Each time our will begins to fade.
Still, our dreams can become gifts to God,
We can make them our living prayers.
We can willingly live in God's power;
Be successful if we only dare.
Dare to let go of our heartache,
Dare to bet on the strength of our Spirit.
Dare to tell God, 'I know You will save me.'
And maybe this time, actually believe it.
For, while God works all things for good,
That means nothing unless we believe.
We will watch everything good pass us by
If we trust only what we can see.
Come on, for once let's have dangerous faith.
Obey God without knowing why.
Let's follow Him over the cliff
And believe He will teach us to fly.
God has promised to give us Paradise.
And that's only part of His plan.
So with His promises tattooed on our hearts,
Let's join Him in the Promised Land.

© Linda Troxell