

Mensuration : Break the silence
When stumble upon a sanitary pad add
And blue ink sparks your curiosity
don't be mad
But, Shhhh...
keep it low
What if someone listens
For discussing menstruation
hold a fear?

It's a private matter
often feel embarrassed
as stigma remains
A shame to openly discuss it
isn't it?
Maintain secrecy around the subject

Menstrual bloods are toxic
it's the notion of sin and Eve's curse
threat to food and livelihood
vulnerable to demonic influences women's inherited wickedness
Now we know,
it's a natural flow
nothing to scare.

Puberty's arrival
a celebration in bloom
A sign of growth and maturity
But when periods arrive
a different tale unfolds
Segregation, exclusion,
as ancient myths hold.

Don't enter temples,
don't touch what's pure,
For in menstruation's flow,
impurity does endure.
But why cling to stigma?
to taboo's refrain?
When menstruation is universal,
a natural terrain.

pads, tampons, cups,
with ease and use,
To manage the flow,
in every phase.
No shame in speaking,
no reason to hide,
For menstrual health is crucial,
with nothing to chide.

Break the silence
speak out normal and clear
Menstruation's not just a murmur
but a cycle we hold dear

© Aboorva

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