

Dancing with life

Sometimes it's not that deep..
Sometimes you just need to put some music on, get out your feelings, && get back to building your life..Two steps at a time.....

Analyze, but don't over analyze && don't over think it....Most days we'll never "feel like it" Learn how to change your mood on demand.. it's one of life's greatest severus and gifts....Keep going and never stop...

Today is a great day...Be gentle with yourself && truly go with the flow...Smile...Laugh..Makes jokes ..
All that is Soo good for the soul..Remind yourself as many times as you may need to ..That you are doing the Best that you can && whatever engery you have to do what you need to do today will be enough..
You don't have to work yourself down to the bone with over time && over worked to be productive... You are in alignment...Life will be ok... No matter what does or doesn't get done... You'll be ok....
No one can steal your thunder when your the storm.....And no one can rain on your day, when your the sun that's shinning so bright && beaming Soo proud!!"

© SabrinaMarie