

As The World Sleeps

In the midnight's hush, the moon takes flight,
While casting its spell with radiant light.
As its silver beams dance, weaving their song,
Through the realms where dreams belong.

And as the world softly sleeps,
Against the whispers of secrets, the night gently keeps.
Each beam a brushstroke, painting dreams, breaking the mold.
In the enchanting glow of moonlight's hold

Can you hear the mysteries whispered in the shadows deep,
Where secrets and wonders are forever keep?
As each leaf trembles, and each flower sighs,
Under the moon's enchanting guise.

But in its glow, the world finds repose,
While imagination freely flows.
And magic lingers in the velvet air,
As night unveils its tender care.

So let us all wander in moonlit grace,
Where time and space interlace.
Way deep into the enchanting glow of twilight, lingering trace,
Where we'll find the magic of a sacred place!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo