

This is NOT a poem, rather it's an apology!

A sunny UK morning 🌞 no new wars have been declared overnight!
& in spite of my ever growing grocery bill & a steep incline in petrol prices ( OPEC always hike their barrel price just when my insatiably thirsty car is running on fumes only!)
The good news is that record UK inflation has now dropped to
NEAR record inflation!🤣

Anyway, another ray of sunshine this morning was opening my
Writco app in notifications to be greeted by an overnight influx of both likes and comments!
But thunderstorms are never far away these days!
In its wisdom, Writco software has decided to delete all my list of notifications prior to this morning?????

Sadly, both old age and father time have limited my energies recently,
so rather than search through all my posts individually where many comments are hidden anyway, I use as a guide my notifications list for the comments that I am overdue in answering, and also popping my head around the door of as many likes as I can!
especially newcomers who are due a welcome and a little bit of support at the start of their writing journey.

My first task now is to go through every single post current and past to check for any comments that I have overlooked replying to!
and if Old Father Time is looking upon me favorably, I will visit the likes on each and every post and randomly post a comment!

Unfortunately out of the window goes the several new poems I had planned to post today and tomorrow, they will now be put on Ice until I have retrospectively caught up on my outstanding acknowledgements!

Am I the only writer to find that their previous notifications have been wiped clean!!!!!!
Or maybe Karma has decided to pay me a long overdue visit!!!!

see you all again at the end of the next Ice Age!

With affection,
Dinosaur Dave🦖🙏
© The Poetic Dinosaur🦖