

I feel special
There are one of those days when I feel
I am all alone and lonely
I feel scared and keep my head hanging low
Afraid that I don't belong anywhere

But then you appear infront of me
Tell me how precious I am
Hold me tightly
And tell me everything is going to be all right

Whenever I am afraid to face the world
I try to hide feeling that
Nobody would care if I vanish suddenly
And then I emerge in sudden gloominess

But then I hear you calling my name
With a warm smile you held out your hand
I understand the meaning of love
And I feel so overwhelmed

You make everything all right
On a cloudy day without sunshine
You are indeed my knight in shining armour
Who can turn the darkest night into day

I am really lucky to have you in life
No matter how the hurtful words stab me
Seeing you smiling at me
I feel loved, I feel so special

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