

A year never to be forgotten
Here comes the year 2020
Which is witnessing several things
The incidents happening during this year
Will be written in the pages of history
And will be told as stories to the future generations

A virus named "Corona" is born in Wuhan
Well people has different versions of how exactly it was born
It acts like a slow poison in the human body
And it has so much power in it that it can effect millions of people's lives

This virus is spreading day by day
And is keeping its impact globally
The whole world is in danger right now
The no of deaths are increasing higher and higher
As if we are watching some game that is scoring runs continuously

Most of the countries are now in a lockdown
In order to prevent the further spreading of the virus
We are strictly asked to stay indoors unless it is necessary
Now we feel what the animals go through
When they are caged up in a zoo

The lives of the poor people are in stake now
The daily wage labourers cannot even return back to their homes
Their owners got them kicked out without paying
And now they don't have any place to stay
Or any proper food to eat

The children and the teenagers are getting restless
Because many of their exams got postponed due to this situation
They can't even study properly and getting lethargic
As they have a doubt whether their exams will be rescheduled or cancelled

Despite all these, there is some good news
The percentage of pollution is going down
Because of the stoppage of the usage of vehicles and other polluting sources
We can finally breathe in some fresh air
And see a clear sky

But that doesn't change everything
Everyday many doctors and nurses are giving uo their lives on order to save people's lives
They are our life savers and our heros
Whose deed of work can never be repaid

We are leaning on God everyday for a better tomorrow
And praying to free ourselves from this panademic
We are living our lives in constant fear and frustration
And are always thinking
When will we go back to normal again?