

fantasy land
where the grass is green and the sun shines bright
the sky is high and birds happily tweet
the peaple are kind and never get sick
rainbows and endles food
everybody is kind and good
and it started with a dream
no more wars and no more hate
like in the movies
dragons roam the skies

but its all lies
it's all fucking lies
the truth is we're all gonna die
we make up dances so we can justafy
movies to distrect us from the truth
bullie all that's bright
because it's a unsided fight
life is a bitch sometimes

the story is not over not over jet
so make sure you won't regret
or it's a nightmare that gets worse every day
with a climax of pain
lonly but still together
but not forever
if i get out of the mouth of the beast
i wont flee untill we are all free
i seed trust trust i breed
soon you wil read it on me
and we are all be free

i want to see
who you are and be
you think of me

maybe one day we'll be free

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