

The better days have been lived
Life is getting unbearable,
Getting used to it in the process,
To escape is unthinkable,
It will make you think that you're in a land of eerie beauties
Though the other side looks greener
but the field is void of flowers and fruits.

It's pretty unbearable,
Floods in the desert, we never knew about swimming.
Fire in the forest, we knew only shelter.
We thought we could adapt, but the salary increase with dollar and the soil yields less grains

Thinking of Escape but In a circle
like a lake, beautiful during the rains
and a desert by winter.
Where is the rivers? its channels are cut off, I call out to the oceans but a squid game, only the rules matters.

How possible? I eerie to it beauties,
the past was a mystery, a tale if there's ever a future to be told. of how beauty and a beast coexist peacefully.

Then it was alarming and I feared I will be alone, I am now at peace knowing I was always alone... I am getting use to the process.
every next level is darker, you either remain in a circle or you face the next beast.

There won't be better days but there can be a better you
© Bookish