

once upon a time
once upon a time
I wandered down the road with a smile
no choke in my throat
I laughed with my friends
made time for plans

once upon a time I liked going outside
and seeing the people smiling as they walk by
and wasn't distracted with intrusive thoughts
or had pain in my chest from anxiety problems

once upon a time
it was easy to sleep
and I wasn't fearful to dream
because dreams were more often
nightmares scarce
and my head was peaceful in nighttimes silence

once upon a time
I loved myself
id look in the mirror
and think
you are so pretty
my confidence would be healthy
and I would enjoy sitting as me

once upon a time
I lived a normal life
or normal enough to not question my life
and once upon a time
I was comfortable
once upon a time
in a fairytale
© Jada E. Clark