

Unpopular opinions on Sunday, May 5th
Unpopular opinions. Some more hot takes for this weekend in May, sent in by Reddit Users

Making art look realistic is the worst thing you can do to art

There’s nothing wrong with having online, long distance friends and never FaceTiming them

Margot Robbie is not beautiful

Master chef Junior is staged and rigged

Confidence is overrated in people

God created women to bear children and keep quiet and keep house, not to get a degree or be smart and successful

Women who were born infertile have left the chat

Well… in order to GET pregnant I have to begin dating and it’s not as easy to meet someone these days

Call us when you’re done with the year 1735

People over here getting mad at OP but scripture backs it up. If God never wanted a woman to be a pastor? Guess what the other choice is traditional. All women were designed to be wives and mothers. It’s just that some will choose their own path, not obedience. If the idea sounds unfair maybe Christianity isn’t for you women eh?
+1 -68

On women supposedly not being allowed to be pastors, Paul was speaking to only his specific pagan audience during that time, not every modern reader. This is probably the number one verse that’s twisted so we think God focuses on gender in preaching the gospel. Jesus never said for only men to. Look at Mary Magdalene!

Not saying being a wife and mother is automatically a bad idea, but God understands everyone’s living situation if some can’t do it. May want to reconsider OP

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