

How much has the Sun seen?
How much has the sun seen
In its endless journey through time?
Golden witness to the birth of civilizations,
The turning of the tides, the rise and fall of empires.

It has watched as lovers meet at dawn,
And bid farewell as shadows lengthen,
Casting its warm embrace over lands far and wide,
A silent sentinel of light and life.

From the quiet whispers of morning dew,
To the fiery blaze of midday's heat,
The sun paints the sky with vibrant hues,
A masterpiece in the ever-changing canvas of the heavens.

How many secrets are whispered to the sun,
As it sinks beneath the horizon,
Carrying stories of joy and sorrow,
Into the depths of the night?

How much has the sun seen,
In its eternal dance across the sky,
A timeless witness to the beauty and chaos,
Of our world spinning endlessly on?
© Simrans