

Luminous Disc

The darkness that had enveloped the universe nightly began to recede,
Replaced by a soft, ethereal glow, it wasn't a sudden burst of light, but a gentle, almost hesitant unveiling,
It was as if the world was being painted back into existence, stroke by stroke.

First, I saw the faintest hint of the moon, a pale, luminous disc hanging in the inky black,
Then, one by one, the stars emerged, pinpricks of light scattered across the vast canvas of the night sky,
The darkness that had enveloped the universe began to recede.

With each new object that came into focus, a sense of calm washed over me,
A feeling of profound peace that had been absent during my time in the darkness,
Replaced by a soft, ethereal glow, it wasn't a sudden burst of light, but a gentle, almost hesitant unveiling,

It was as if the darkness had not only obscured my sight, but also my ability to appreciate the simple, awe-inspiring beauty that surrounded me,
Now, the world seemed brighter, sharper, and more alive than ever before,
It was as if it was being painted back into existence, stroke by stroke.

© Lai Montes