

4th Dimension
~ ~ ~

According To The Program
Code Instructions Spoken
By Our Creator Into The
Quantum Singularity
i.e. The Cosmic Egg

Microscopic Copies Of The
Quantum Singularity Grew
Within The Great Rivers
And Tributary Streams
Of The 2nd Dimension
Quantum Substrate
Becoming The Pulsating
Quasar Hearts Of All Galaxies

And By Design Stars Fused
Hydrogen And Helium Into
Heavier Atoms Until Iron
Was Made Which Absorbed
More Energy Than It Radiated

Igniting Violent Supernova
Which Fused The Lighter
Atoms Into The Entire
Periodic Table Of
3rd Dimension Atoms
Which Became The Seeds
For 4th Dimensional Life

Then The Lord Of Creation
Spoke The Names Of All
Creatures Great And Small
And Breathed Life Into The
Children Of Starlight Ash

And We Awoke With The
Eyes To See The Starlight
From Which We Were Made

Yes My Friends
Creation Is Surprisingly
Simple And Elegant
In Its Design Perfection

to be concluded within
the 5th Dimension…

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© Perceptions