

An ideal world
An ideal world...

Would not have the strife,
people not being hostile,
spewing poisons that divide,
or shout out loud enough,
to silence hearts, that cries.

Where connection were sought,
out of their genuine curiosities,
not having conditions attached,
to any words or meetings,
for making relations work.

There's no blame game,
for following one's desires,
forcing guilt or having regrets,
of any thoughts and actions,
making us wary, of even trying.

And our personality blooms,
with each healthy interactions,
without the fear of treachery,
being used as a mean,
to advance self interests.

For, an ideal world,
is full of benevolence,
having something for all,
living becomes an experience,
to be looked forward to...
Every single day.

© Dr. Manish Rout