

Supernova of Beauty
Like a spark in the night
How interesting it is
that from the moment I saw you
I felt that you were different.

Your divine shine captured
my amazed stare,
Exceeding such a beautious aura
that has not been seen in others.

I truly felt blessed and honored
to be in your presence,
Embraced by the kindness 
that no other star holds.

By your side, misfortune
was not a thing, as you
comforted me purely by
acknowledging oneself.

Our meeting is of a fallen star,
for the event was out of the blue
What fortuitous luck
oh, how truly unexpected.

For a shooting star,
you really are one of a kind
It seems my wish has come true,
since you have graced me.

Why should you hide your beauty
with meaningless covers?
You needn't hide anything, for
you musn't fret nor worry.

By a surprise, it seems that 
you have found the most
unpredictable of a companion that
serves as a replacement for my foolish self.

With inconspicuousness on your side
your beauty blends in with the
night sky, among the stars
Alas, I don't recognize you.

Your, now nevermore, sparkling 
intuition overestimated my strength,
leading you to believe that one
is unworthy of a goodbye.

The traitorous acts you commit
and the pure shock caused by
this unfortunate event
held me firmly in disbelief.

Your unexpected departure
sure was of a sudden one
You flew up to the sky, to your kind,
leaving me behind.

The night and stars no longer bring me comfort
The memories of you are scattered across the sky
This is not goodbye, this is farewell
For you have left me, forevermore.

And as I question myself,
Has fate made a mistake?
Perhaps our meeting was not meant to be
And therefore comes my second wish.

Your beauty was the cover
for your true self which you hide
The supernova of your beauty
overshines the stars of your true self.

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