

Cute Little Bow
Life, in general, can be very messy, unpredictable and raw,
Therefore, not every story fits within a flawless draw.
Some endings are jagged, with edges sharp and rough,
Leaving wounds wide open, when the pain alone is enough.
Some may find this difficult to comprehend,
But every story have a beginning middle and end.
Some will end with warmth, while others very cold.
Yet in each goodbye, there's a lesson to be learned,
On a journey's conclusion, there'll be some highs and lows.
Because not every ending can be wrapped up tightly with a cute little bow.

Imagine the quiet dusk of a fading day,
Where some friendships may drift and wane, as paths diverge away.
Then in the memories shared, uneasiness then grows,
When they realised, not every ending is wrapped up tightly with a cute little bow.

You might have experienced, love's tender embrace, which is but a fleeting dance,
Which often ends in tears, leaving hearts lost in a trance.
Yet in the pain, seeds of growth may sow,
Although not every ending is wrapped up tightly with a cute little bow.
Often times dreams may shatter, and hopes may also fray,
As aspirations slowly fades into shades of gray.
But from the ashes, new dreams will often grow,
Even though the ending was not wrapped up tightly with a cute little bow.

So let us learn to accept each ending, as they come,
For each one holds a tale, only after an ending can be spun.
And in the cycle of life, allow this wisdom to flow,
As you remember that not every ending is wrapped up tightly with a cute little bow!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo