

Life is...
Life is forever changing,
You must be flexible like a cat,
To balance your problems,
In such an elegant dance,
As a feline, you must prance,
without a thought in mind,
You always land on your feet so why not advance?
why be afraid of progress, this is your chance!

Life is as heavy as the Mariana tench,
You need to be ready,
Take a deep breath and get drenched,
Cats don't like water, but people don't like life,
How dare we forget our luck in being alive?
Don't be scared of dark,
It's what let's us see the stars,
So deep in the dark water you might see a little heart,
Where a hook embedded once, there is a scar
Yet it beats just like yours.

Life is a painful glide down a muddy slope,
Covered with sharp and fruitless trees,
You need to be sly, next time be ready to weeve,
You can't avoid everything, but conflict isn't a need.

I know your roots are deep, and your branches long,
The birds sit on you singing a complex song,
In spring they eat your hawthorn berries,
All of the war-torn work just to have them taken away,
And you feel delighted, as with the wind- and life- you sway.
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