

My innermost thoughts
Tell me you are right.
I know I'm wrong,
But you know my heart.
You know me.
I know about you.
I used to know you.
I recently heard that
You are more forgiving
Than most people think.
I sure hope so.
Not many people are forgiving.
There are a lot of judgmental people around here.
People are mean and cruel.
I am loving and kind.
How can there be anything
Wrong with that?
To love and be loved,
Does it really matter
Where it comes from,
As long as we love?
To want the best for someone,
To do for someone,
To love someone completely,
To want them happy,
When their someone can't provide.
Is there really wrong
In that?
It is love, after all.
Are you there?
Do you hear me?
Am I making sense?
You know my heart.
All I want is love.

© Kristin E. Porter