

The sweetest person I hold so dear,
is no other, but, my lovely mother
so sweet, loving, with so much care,
I could never wish, for more, or another.

From the moment you held my hands,
so tightly, it freed my fears,
from the moment you called me your bundle of joy,
then I new I'll never be alone.

You have drowned me, in your everlasting love,
which has made me feel above,
Your love, so pure,
has made, everyday of my life, an adventure.

Oh dear mother,
I would wish, for no other
Your warm cuddling, has unruffled my insecurities,
Your gentle admonitions, has made me know my capabilities.
Like the branches on a tree, you've supported,and elevated me.

If I could write more,
believe me, it'll definitely not be enough,
and if I decide, not to ignore,
all I ever want,is your cuddling hug

Your lovely chortle,
so pure and gentle,
like the blue ocean waves,
how calming and soothing,so much it saves.

Like caramel, on my tongue,
is how excited, you've made me,for so long,
if I would come again, in this not so nice world,
I'll wish again and again, for you to be my mom.


© agwunobi Sophia