

Memories in Garden!...

Memories are like
a garden filled with
different kinds of flowers
Having different kinds of fragrances
just like memories are different
kind of bad or good,
having different taste like sweetness, bitterness and some are bittersweet
like the flower's fragrances
Some are too good to be true, some just having beutiful shape and size
without any frangrance
but unique in it's own way
And I love them
how much I can't even say
And as the flowers
withered after sometimes
Memories are also start to Fade
They get blurred
but never completely erased
just like flowers even after withering
their fragrance remains
or if not there existence still tells
the story of once
beautifully blossomed flower
In the garden of memories
we cherish these
And always will!... © joy

—Thank you so much everyone💐
for reading 📖 this....

#Joy #MemoriesInGarden #MemoryGarden #writcopoem