

In chaos of world, there a race called life;
Where souls with circumstances form strife.
And in this run, thoughts are ignored
Forgot to think more, brain closed it's door.

In midst of bedlam, somewhere I felt alone
Legs got tired from running, lost self cicerone.
Time freezed, no knowledge of day and night;
The pain was so superior, I remain doing sigh.

Pain was so deep, sunlight can't reach there
Howl was so loud, still passers by ignore they hear.
The world appears empty infront of eyes;
And bloods were rolling out like tears.

Past was the one, whose hold did adore
I wanted to live, but the hold was no more.
You were standing on the top of cliff,
And I fell down straight, stiff.

Everything turns blur infront of eyes,
But the only one I could saw was you.
I still smiled watching you were standing straight,
And I remain falling and falling and falling !

© heart of a dying star

#alone #aloneandlonely #Life #sad #sadness #depression #lost #Darkness #hopelessness