

Before our lips ever touched in a kiss
Before our hands ever intertwined
I fell in love with you, my sweet bliss
In a moment, my heart was forever thine
It was in the way you smiled, so bright
In the way your laughter filled the air
My heart knew it had found its delight
And I couldn't help but stop and stare
Before I even knew the color of your eyes
I was already lost in their deep gaze
I couldn't believe how quickly time flies
When you're with the one who sets your soul ablaze
Before I felt the warmth of your embrace
Before I even knew the sound of your voice
I had fallen for you, in your grace
And my heart had made the most perfect choice
It was in the little things, the subtle signs
That made my heart skip a beat
I knew in that moment, you were mine
And my love for you would never retreat
Before the first kiss, I was head over heels
My heart was yours, without a doubt
And as our lips finally sealed the deal
I knew my love for you would never run out
So here I am, still in love with you
Even after all these years have passed
For it was before I kissed you, my love true
That my heart knew it had found its lasting love at last.
© cynfully