

I Am I Good person. I am not a nice person. Which means I try and strive to be good to people. I don't judge people. I live by the rule what you eat don't make me 💩. If you like it , I love it for you. I don't follow trends , seek attention or even know what clout is 🤷. Because where I'm from we don't care who you are. I'm respectful and mind my business. Never been jealous of anyone , i don't care who your with , what you have cause I'm so caught up in my own 💩 I couldn't even be concerned with yours or anyone else's. I'm not hard or tuff as the world see's it. I don't look for trouble at all. Let me lone. is what I say. But if you don't and you chose to be harmful or disrespectful be prepared to go all the way. I cherish my life and who I love and will leave this place over it. I'm genuinely good natured and cannot be influenced by anyone else to take on sucka traits. I stay to myself cause people seem to be so mannequin nowadays you can't even tell who's , who or what's really real anymore. If you like drama and disruption please stay the fuxx from round me. If you love talking about others , and being in others business , give me ten feet. If all you do is worship 💰 and it means more to you then character , integrity , loyalty , trust , love and life. Beat Feet ! If your always trying to get over , get the upper hand , be the center of attention , put people down to look better , or be shiesty and scandalous , just keep pushing when you see me. I don't have any affinity for drama or B.S. At this point in life I just want to be around genuine people , who are their authentic selves and who want to see each other progress and be the best version of themselves! I want my family and people I love safe and I will try to get as close to God before I leave this place as I can. But make no mistake my God isn't a coward or punk ! So either am I ! in yeshua name Amen!
© ockindev213