

Painter of the Universe
The leaves,
got painted green,
along with the observant grass,
With a plethora,
of colours left behind,
the final selection,
was bestowed upon the flowers,
A rainbow landed smoothly,
at a distance away,
from the center,
of the earth,
Owing to the clueless nature,
of a peaking Sun,
gently blanketed by clouds,
it stayed for a while,
as the birds sang a few songs,
There were numerous day-walkers,
in a relentless expedition,
of unravelling the complexities,
that had weighed over the reasons,
to feel worthy of a breath,
Upon the visual clarity,
of dancing lights amidst the air,
millions of souls,
found a purpose after waking up,
The greatest painter,
of the Universe,
brought the Monalisa,
down to the size of an anthill,
With a view,
far from being captured,
by the abilities,
of a photocopier,
on a plane piece of paper,
this world is truly a masterpiece,
Appreciation rests,
in the silent texture,
of living in the now,
These words are few,
in comparison to everything,
that hasn't been seen,

© Nabeel Yousuf