

Eagle Land
She dreamt,
of the soaring eagles,
night after night,
The same images,
kept a beautiful flow,
of repeating themselves,
with her,
as an observer,
of this rare event,
With the innate,
sense of curiosity,
to unravel the meaning,
of this unforgettable sight,
she travelled far,
into the heart of Eagle Land,
towards a hidden home,
that had never been seen before,
Next to the unpointable nature,
of a tall dark stranger,
serving the role of a guide,
the journey,
was everything,
besides a piece of cake,
as the wilderness,
spoke a language,
far from the expectations,
of her controlling mind,
A wise man came into the scene,
and gave her an eagle feather,
that was gently protected,
in a pendant,
for her soul to find peace,
as she continued forth,
towards a place
with hopes for it to be real,
Eagles flew by from time to time,
and she knew,
that this was the path to follow,
Along the creation of footprints,
they both opened the doors,
of the past to one another,
With a realization,
that they weren't different at all,
love just happened,
The lengthy journey ended,
with a session of photography,
once the hidden habitat,
came into view,
With numerous eagles,
living a life of luxury,
the heart took over,
and the thought processes of the mind,
ceased to exist,
They had come,
to be part of a new world,
but the eagles taught them,
the value of true love,

"Such is the spiritual power of nature."

© Nabeel Yousuf