

[In your eyes, my home]
[a #writco.in poem]

You're on my mind every moment,
Thoughts of you, every second, every day.
Loving you is the best thing I've done,
It fills my heart with joy in every way.

Your heart is full of joy, peace, and love,
Pure and white, like a dove from above.
You solve problems with ease and grace,
And with you, I find my peaceful place.

I'm lucky to have found a home in your heart,
My heart beats for you, we never part.
You make me happy when you call me "daddy dear,"
In your love, I find solace, year by year.

Feel free to dance, or sit and stay,
In my heart, there's no mist, no dismay.
Take a look, hold me tight,
I'll fight for our love, day and night.

-Roy Johane Gama