

It's like breathing with an open chest:
My heart shaped like a fist exposed
To the thin cold air of winter fall
I don't know what's in-between life and death
But I reckon I'm there, for who lives
With a chest open bare like a carcass
Of a bear ripped by a wolves pack,
Laying lifelessly under a winter storm.

Pay me no respect, I'm dead,
And as the blood red flows it's last end
I hold dearly my heart as the rhythm slows down to a halt.
My eyes then slowly turn to grey sky
Unwaivering, just open enough to see
One last snow flake glide gently to my lid
It stings as it slowly melts, struck
By the realization of it's end as was mine
And to that, the last ounce of warmth
Hastened my escape as was my last breath.
© Maria.M.M