

First strange place
With mom holding the hands.
Dad saying, take care dear.
Its the first strange place to go,
not so far away.
Every Mondays brought blues.
and every Fridays looked hopeful.
But one thing I'm not sure.
When did this awful place turned so cool?
Strange faces turned familiar.
Lunches shared.
Teachers there to care.
Classrooms and corridors echoed with laughter.
What fun to go there every day!

Another day soon, some confetti fell from nowhere.
And they said it was farewell day.
Alas! Good things end so fast.
Why did time just flew like that!
Hands waved here and there.
Eyes glistened with tears.
Danced, sang and laughed all day to the heart's content.
Soon the day came to an end.
With memories ready to retire in their minds,
friends departed with a final look at their school.

© nandanas