

Dear Old Me, Growing up is a Reel
Dear Old Me,
I can't help but reflect on the journey we have been through together. Growing up has been quite the rollercoaster ride, filled with twists and turns, ups and downs. In many ways, it feels like growing up is a reel, spinning faster and faster as we navigate through the challenges of society.

Do you remember the days when we were just a little girl, full of innocence and curiosity, dreaming of the world beyond our reach? Back then, the reel of life seemed slow and gentle, like a peaceful river meandering through the countryside. But as we grew older, the reel started to pick up speed, pulling us along faster than we ever thought possible.

We faced so many challenges along the way, obstacles that seemed insurmountable at times. Society tried to box us in, to tell us who we should be and what we should aspire to become. But we refused to be confined by the expectations of others. We pushed against the constraints, breaking free from the mold that society tried to force us into.

Look at us now, dear old me. We have grown into a young, successful lady, standing tall and proud in the face of adversity. Our journey has been tough, but it has made us stronger and more resilient than we ever thought possible. Like a reel spinning out of control, we have learned to dance to the rhythm of life, embracing the chaos and finding beauty in the midst of it all.

So here's to us, dear old me. Here's to the little girl who dared to dream big and the young woman who turned those dreams into reality. Let's keep spinning that reel of life, embracing the challenges and triumphs that come our way. Because no matter what the future holds, we will always be strong, brave, and unapologetically ourselves.

With love and admiration,

© Simrans