

Dear Promises, Trust is often an accident.
Dear Promises,

I am writing to you today with a heavy heart and a mind filled with contemplation. It is said that trust is often an accident, a fragile construct that can shatter with the slightest misstep. This metaphor has resonated with me deeply, for I have experienced firsthand the delicate nature of trust in our lives.

Just like a fragile glass ornament perched precariously on a shelf, trust can be easily broken if not handled with care. It takes time and effort to build, yet it can be shattered in an instant, leaving behind shards of doubt and betrayal. In relationships, trust is the cornerstone upon which love and understanding are built. Without it, the foundation crumbles, leaving behind a sense of emptiness and loss.

I have seen the consequences of broken trust in both personal and professional settings. In friendships that have withered away due to unkept promises, in business deals that have fallen apart due to dishonesty, trust is the invisible thread that holds everything together. When that thread is broken, the fabric of our lives unravels, leaving behind a tangled mess of broken dreams and shattered expectations.

Yet, despite the fragility of trust, there is beauty in its resilience. Just as a broken ornament can be painstakingly pieced back together, trust can be rebuilt through honesty, communication, and a genuine desire to mend what has been torn asunder. It is in these moments of rebuilding that we truly understand the value of trust, for it is only through adversity that we come to appreciate the strength of the bonds that hold us together.

Therefore, dear Promises, let us not underestimate the value of trust. Let's handle it with care, nurture it with honesty, and cherish it with our actions. For in a world where trust is but an accident waiting to happen, it is up to us to safeguard it, protect it, and let it flourish in the warmth of our sincerity.

Yours sincerely,
© Simrans